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The Life Behind The Blog

Joy Amidst Chaos

Hi, I'm Charis. Charis is Greek for grace or gift. Maybe NOT the best moniker because I'm rather clumsy and accident prone. But I like to think I'm God's gift to my husband at least. 


I am an analyst by trade (lots of excel and programming) and have two littles and a fur baby that create my joy amidst chaos. 


When I'm not corralling or snuggling my babies, I like to lift weights, eat food I shouldn't, read, and enjoy nature.


I have often struggled with comparing myself or my home to others and the images I was bombarded with online. And I knew many women who had left social media altogether because of unhealthy emotions and habits. I wanted to create a blog to offer a respite from what seems like an endless montage of flawless lives, one pristine photograph after another. So I will be taking pictures of my mess, and employing healthy doses of self-ridicule for your reading pleasure. I hope this may encourage many to discover true joy and contentment where they are NOW. Comparison truly is the thief of joy and can be an unending spiritual battle if we don't guard our hearts and show ourselves a little grace.


I also love finding and sharing ideas, especially ways to reduce waste or spending. Dirt Cheap is probably my favorite store, Goodwill keeps raising prices so the jury is still out on that one. My topics will likely be quite varied since I have a  lot of opinions and interests though I will do my best to keep it organized as it grows.


I'm glad you stopped by!


Comments or ideas?


You can reach me at





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