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Writer's pictureHoly Chaos

Why I Don’t Have a Side Hustle

Updated: Jul 17, 2019

Everyone: ……

Internet Salesman/Life Coach/Mega Blogger Extraordinaire: So, because you begged, let me tell you how I blah blah blah.

Case in point, I like Hilary Duff well enough but now I can’t see her face without thinking of Hello Fresh and I’m too lower middle class for food delivery services so they are barking up the wrong Magnolia Tree. And I get that your $20 toothpaste may be amazing and leggings will change lives, but I’m probably going to unfollow you now so that I don’t have to hear about it every day/week etc. And I really like you still, but I didn’t connect online for purchasing things, rather to celebrate life events and the like with you. Also to see pictures of your dogs, so please post them.

And yes, thank you so much for flashing an up-close stranger’s mouth at me while I scroll for more amazing dog pictures. Thanks for that, Facebook friend.

So this puts me in a conundrum, because I consider myself a supportive friend in general and I 100% want you to follow your dreams and provide for your family while being at home what-have-you. And if $20 toothpaste is your passion, that’s phenomenal that you found your niche. BUT while I appreciate the business pages and marketing opportunities Facebook provides via company pages and screenshots of twitter wars- I’m 100% here to see pictures of your babies, grown babies, and dogs and not so much to buy things. And I’m sorry about that.

So that was like a whole PACK of squirrels I just chased in leading to the real point of this discourse, which would be my decision to NOT start a side hustle, at this time. I worked several jobs during my early twenties and am definitely no stranger to hustlin’. I consider myself a fairly ambitious person, and competitive as well, so this was a fairly personal decision that I tangled with for some time. So here goes.

I am a moderate connoisseur of a variety of financial and lifestyle blogs and groups. The vast majority of which either are a side hustle themselves or preach the hustlin' gospel. Reading their content and browsing their images convey a compelling picture of the benefits, nay the necessity, of using one's 'free time' to work to generate income. Note that the name itself implies these activities are in addition to one's primary career, be it a job outside the home or housewifery. And for many, this is a very wise use of their time. But is it the best use of everyone's time, even within the financial independence community? Maybe not.

I am married and have two children in diapers currently. I work full time (out of necessity) approximately 30 minutes from my home which means I am away from said home for around 10 hours each weekday. Before kids I worked 60-80 hour weeks 2-3 jobs during much of my twenties and during graduate school, which may be seen as a ‘side hustle’ of sorts. And I actually like my kids (most of the time) so being away from them for such a long period makes me sad L

I am on a (seemingly never-ending) debt-free journey that I hope has a debt-free destination, and many financial champions espouse side-hustling/passive income what have you as being the best/only way to accomplish the big FI (Financial Independence).

I love Forbes for many things, and this is what Forbes has to say on the subject:

BUT BUT BUT. These things ALL take time, and I also like to sleep when my son isn’t demanding my services. So, while I am definitely interested in FI, I see a HUYUUGE downside. More time hustling = less time for reading, singing, and silliness with the littles (and Mommy sleeping). The old adage proves so true that “the days are long, but the years are short”, so sorry Forbes but I’m going to have to #hardpass for now.

And even God takes time to rest. Genesis 2:2-3 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Since presumably God is All Powerful, Being God, He rests not out of necessity but to convey the message that rest is GOOD and IMPORTANT to those who may look to Him for guidance.

Disclaimers: This is not (currently and probably never) a for-profit blog, just a way for me to basically have a diary in adulthood and feel cool about it, so I DON’T consider it a side hustle but a hobby. Also, mad respect for the women who do IT ALL and run on less than 7 hours of sleep because of side hustles etc. You’re the real MVP. I just need that sleep more than I need entrepreneurship at this time.



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